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We produce and market

tropical fruits

with the highest standards of quality.

Banafrut a Colombian company, located in the Urabá region; its main purpose is the production and marketing of the highest quality bananas and plantains, both for conventional markets, as well as the FairTrade Market, making us the largest FairTrade producer worldwide.

Our Offices in Medellín

Telephone: [+574] 444 0009
Address: Kra 43 A 19-17 Piso 12 Oficina 1206  Medellín | Colombia.
Email: [email protected]

Our Offices in Urabá

Telephone: [+574] 824 3479
Address: Vía Zungo  .  Embarcadero  .  Antigua Entrada Comunal El 7 .
Oficina Banafrut  .  Carepa | Antioquia | Colombia.
Email: [email protected]